Because your banner header runs right across the top of every page of your website, it's an absolutely huge part of your branding. And because it's generally the first element of your page that catches your website visitor's eye, it needs to be relevant, attractive and memorable.
If you can engage strong target market recognition through your banner header, it sends out the immediate message to your target market visitors that this is a website worth taking a look at. This is a website that has something really interesting to offer. This THE website for them!
* You don't have to get a lot of fancy design work done...
Logos used to come in the form of an image that accompanied the name of your business on letter headers and business cards. In the web world nowadays, it's not so much about having a standalone logo as about the whole logo/banner effect.
Believe it or not, you don't actually have to get a lot of fancy design work done. Your logo/banner can simply be your business name in a distinctive font and colour. By consistently using the same combination of font, colour and wording at the top of every page of your website, you can create recognisability.
* But you do need to make sure you are consistent
What if you have a banner, but it's not consistent across every page of your website? Well I'm sure you will already have justifications for this... maybe you're offering different products or distinguishing between different parts of your business. But I believe that it's counter-productive to use different looks for different parts of your website. If you want to do that, you should have separate websites altogether.
It's important that your visitors identify strongly with what they see on your website. If they keep being presented with different images and messages, how will they recognise your business when they encounter it again?
* Add a strap line
To add an extra element of market identification to your banner header, you can also include a strap line. One that says loud and clear what market you cater for, in terms of either the results you achieve or who you work with.
While the key information in your banner header is your business name, the strap line allows visitors to assess at a glance whether this is a website that has something relevant and interesting to offer them.
The best strap lines catch the imagination immediately, so it's worth sitting down and scribbling out lots of ideas before you pick one. Try them out on your friends and family - see what their response is. And even more relevantly, ask your current clients what they think (assuming they fall into your target market - otherwise it might not be such a wise move!).
Most coaches use a strap line that goes something like: 'Life and leadership coach'. Hardly inspiring! Or they get so generalised that it's all but meaningless. For example: 'Expanding potential' or 'Powerful coaching for growth'. Good strap lines go back to their target market for inspiration.
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